Dear Heiko, We would like to offer our sincere appreciation to you for being an active SAP coach. “When we help ourselves, we find moments of happiness. When we help others, we find lasting fulfillment.”– Simon Sinek (author and inspirational speaker) While the world continues to face ongoing challenges, your continued availability, passion, and dedication to providing a safe space through coaching, for our colleagues to explore their options, is very much appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting them to achieve a greater sense of self-awareness and clarity, become motivated to take action, release their full potential, and make a meaningful and purposeful contribution within their roles at SAP. In addition to your contribution as an individual coach, we would also like to acknowledge and appreciate your participation and support for other coaching related initiatives such as Team Coaching, Ready for Coachable Moments, Act to Grow, and Leaders to Leaders, to name a few. We would also like to thank you for your ongoing active participation in our coach community. By sharing ideas, collaborating with other coaches, offering Peer Consulting, contributing to the ongoing growth of your peer coaches and more, you continue to strengthen and enhance our coaching culture within SAP. Thank you so much for the positive impact you continue to have within SAP’s coach community and beyond. With the deepest gratitude, Kind regards Julieth LifeBalance, Teamentwicklung, Coaching
Dear Heiko, Thank you for your tremendous support and partnership as a Data Driven Coaching program coach. Your diligence, time investment and passion for coaching really makes a difference. You are a true ambassador not only for the program, most importantly, you thrive for building a true coaching culture in sales. You have proven that sales coaching is making a real impact on positive business outcomes plus fostering professional development within our sales organisation. I truly appreciate all of your support! Thank you! #Live the Leadership Credo Michael LifeBalance, Teamentwicklung, Coaching
Dear Heiko, There are numerous reasons why we could thank you today. We thank you for helping employees balance their private and professional lives. For getting involved in the SAP community and being ready to always go one step further than what is required. For helping us to offer our employees a unique development opportunity that also strengthens the competitiveness of our company. With that, you contribute to a continuous learning culture that fosters a higher level of self-awareness, accountability, and engagement! We also thank you for contributing to change the SAP culture from within – helping us to move the needle towards a culture of better togetherness, support, and recognition. Thank you for driving this movement, thank you for being an SAP Coach! With the Global Appreciation Day at SAP, we want to promote a sustainable recognition culture in our company and celebrate each other. We encourage you to make the time today for a thoughtful reflection on what you are grateful for and express this gratitude by thanking others. Best regards, Your SAP HR Global Coaching Program Team LifeBalance, Teamentwicklung, Coaching
"Es war eine fantastische Wanderung, mit wunderbaren Menschen und einer spektakulären Natur und ich habe mich sehr wohlgefühlt. Die Organisation bzgl. genauem ersten Treffpunkt und Verortung des Fahrzeugs ist verbesserungswürdig! Sodass die Teilnehmer genau wissen, Uhrzeit und genauer Treffpunkt. Ich fand es gut, dass nur die erste und zweite Übernachtung gebucht war und alles andere je nach Stimmung gebucht werden konnte, das gab uns einen Freiheitsgrad, was sich auf dem Weg nach Bozen absolut gelohnt hat, denn so konnten wir unsere eigene Steinpilzkreation umsetzen! Während der Wanderung waren die doch intensiven Gespräch so fließende, es war nichts geplant und doch hatten die eigenen Themen Platz, ob in der Gruppe oder in Einzelgesprächen während der Wanderung und das war so bereichernd! Sicherlich lag das auch daran, dass die Gruppe bzw. die Teilnehmer sich kannten uns so schon ein gewisses Grundvertrauen da war. Die wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen von Elke waren super ergänzend zu Heikos pragmatischen Ausführungen und doch war es mir manchmal ein kleines bisschen zu wissenschaftlich. Das ist meine Zusammenfassung unserer Wanderung und ich finde es so wunderbar, dass wir nächstes Jahr uns wieder treffen. Ich freue mich von Herzen darauf!" Anita LifeBalance, Teamentwicklung, Coaching
Hi Heiko, Your stunning performance at work was timely and your professionalism and commitment embody the SAP's philosophy perfectly. I would like to highlight how your passion and dedication towards creating an innovative work culture makes our organization unique. Your ability to accept challenges and overcome them with efficiency and excellence makes you legendary. Self-belief is key to achieving our goals, and you have shown us the way. Thank you for the vigor you bring to the table. We owe it all to you. Warm regards, Jorrit #Build bridges, not silos Jorrit
Dear Heiko, Thank you very much for being an active SAP Coach! 2020 has challenged us all in many ways. More than ever, coaching, whether for individuals or teams, could make all the difference in these difficult times. With your support and commitment, in addition to your daily tasks, we can offer our employees worldwide a program that gives them a real opportunity to develop their strengths and to cope better with the uncertainty and constant changes in our fast-paced environment. Our amazing Net Promoter Score of 90%, as well as the high Customer Satisfaction of 4.6 (on a 1-5 scale), prove the impact of coaching. An impact that would not have been possible without you. Thank you for supporting your SAP colleagues, especially this year. Your attitude towards others and the company make you special, and we would like to express our deepest gratitude for that. Max W., EVP & Chief Learning Officer also says thanks: “As a leadership team, we want to offer a special thanks to each of you for your dedication to helping our colleagues unlock their full potential and contribute to SAP’s success. Thanks! Keep up the good work!” Best regards, on behalf of Your SAP HR Global Coaching Team Katherine
Lieber Heiko. es ist schon eine Weile her: Im Dezember letzten Jahres hattest du mir eine Career Counseling Session angeboten. Die Session hat mich nachhaltig beeindruckt. Die Mischung aus Zuhören, neuen Denkanstößen und ganz konkreten Ideen zur Entscheidungsfindung war perfekt. Das Bild "mit einer Idee schwanger werden" klingt bei mir bis heute nach. Damals ging es darum, ob ich ins Management wechseln soll. Wenn ich in deinem Bild bleiben möchte, ist das Kind diese Woche geboren. Seit Montag bin ich Managerin. Das es so schnell geht hätte ich nie erwartet. I Dezember war ich ja noch nicht einmal sicher, ob das der richtige Weg sein würde. Lieber Heiko, bei der Entscheidung und dem Zutrauen in mich selbst, hast du einen großen Beitrag geleistet. Dafür möchte ich dir heute auch ganz "offiziell" Danke sagen! Herzliche Grüße Anna
Lieber Heiko, vielen vielen Dank, dass du uns im Transition Projekt nicht nur "unterstützt", sondern eine aktive Rolle spielst, Ideen einbringst, den Prozess gestaltest, und mit deiner positiven Herangehensweise das virtuelle Team zusammenhältst. Das ist wirklich klasse und hat einen erheblichen Beitrag für den guten Verlauf dieses Projekts. Kudos! VG Helmut
Hi Heiko, We received wonderful feedback from one of your coaches last year. Sharing with you the positive comment we received: Heiko is excellent in providing concrete action items and tools. I highly recommend SAP colleagues to talk to Heiko if they are looking for some to help them with coaching. Hope this statement brightens up your day! Thank you so much everything that you do to support our employees! Cheers, Global Coaching